So you start something new or decide on a goal and you're all excited and full of enthusiasm. and then....
You meet an obstacle, life gets in the way, or something new and shiny distracts you. In fact anything starts to distract you!
Sound familiar?
Then you beat yourself up, that self doubt creeps in and your negative self talk shouts- " You never finish anything!" " Why can't you ever stick at anything" " You've got no motivation" And then the last thing you feel like doing is keep going!
One of the biggest coaching tools to support and motivate you towards taking consistent action towards change or a goal is to know your WHY
Ask yourself these coaching questions to discover your WHY to any goal or action you want to take
Then anytime you find your motivation or enthusiasm sliding - AND ITS NORMAL FOR THIS TO HAPPEN! remind yourself or your WHY's, visualise your success and you'll be motivated again to take that forward action to success
And if you'd like to read up more on this subject I'd recommend the book " START WITH YOUR WHY " by Simon Sinek